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$12,146 towards $10,000

121 -21 U


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Recurring Donors

Who Lives In Poverty In The USA?

All those who make less than the Federal government’s official poverty threshold, which for a family of four is about $25,700. These are people working at minimum wage jobs or even those holding down multiple jobs. These are seniors living on fixed incomes; wage earners suddenly out of work, millions of families everywhere from our cities to rural communities.

In the United States, 35.2 million people live in food-insecure household; 361,000 children live in households in which one or more child experiences very low food security and in Georgia 4,051,000 households in Georgia experienced food insecurities between 2017-2019.

At Hosea Helps, we see the impact directly; and with the help of our donors, corporate sponsors and volunteers, Hosea Helps has been able to make an impact.

  • Since July 2020 over 1,500 children with school supplies, backpacks, fresh produce, food boxes, access to resources and more.
  • Our No Summer Hunger Program provided 19,995 meals which impacted 3,887 families (1,842 Children).
  • Hosea was also able to provide $815,928.87 in financial assistance. This saved 622 families from Homelessness during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • From April 2020 until December 2020, we distributed 14,730 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
  • For Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2020, we were able to impact 3,911 families, 380 seniors, and 200 individuals in shelters. Families were able to get Fresh Produce, Food Boxes, Juice, water, frozen protein (chicken, turkey, ham), PPE supplies, toys for children and more.

The 2021-2022 dinner season is the SEASON OF THE MIRACULOUS and we can make miracles happen in the lives of others with your help. This year we need your help raising funds for toys and gift cards for the children’s Christmas party and for emergency and temporary housing this winter.

Recurring Donors
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